MRK Degree College
8199933302, 9315244114


  • To remain a centre of unparalleled education and transformation.
  • To contribute towards the Indian economy by adding value to the human capital.
  • To enable the aspirants to think and act for success well in advance so as the success becomes inevitable. The Centre aims at making learning a joyous journey of one's self-exploration and self-expression for the purpose of making this world a beautiful place to live in.
  • To contribute Quality Education, to give an assured growth to aspirant of learning, to prepare them as best class Engineers competent to match the expanding expectations of the Corporate Sector has been our ever-doubling vision extending to new outlook since the inception of our college.
  • To translate our students’ potential into realism.
  • To provide with first-class facilities required to inculcate research culture and various learning styles.
  • To ensure collaborative learning and emotional integrity.
  • To constantly correlate theory with practical knowledge and promote computer-aided design, analysis, and manufacturing procedures.
  • To comprehend various markets and instil experimentation for an investigation culture.
  • The program aims at the fundamental transformation of the students into talented and balanced bureaucrats for the service of the nation. It paves the path for the students to procure prestigious positions in government sector through different competitive exams of the country.